Centre to Periphery
Site-responsive Performance Lecture

Part of Swiss Architecture Week 
(7–13 September)

Curated by
Swiss Architecture Museum S AM
Soundcamp Cooperative

Part of Lina Community

As part of the project «S AM FM», three artists will be creating sound-based interventions in the radio program, curated by Swiss Architecture Museum and Soundcamp Cooperative.

Contested spaces related to waste streams in the city of Basel were investigated. Both live environmental sound and a voice-over offers a counter-narrative on the alleged periphery. The intervention encompasses three lecture performances on successive days, transmitted from three different sites in the Basel region that is from the alleged periphery: Deponie Elbisgraben (Liestal, CH), Muttenz Water Purification Plant (Muttenz, CH), Swiss-French Border (Huningue, FR). The last performance took place in S AM (Swiss Architecture Museum).
-> -> See Architecture Week / Architekturwoche Basel