From Centre to Periphery


CH 9)
Searching for the Dutch Mountains

CH 8)
The Geospatial

CH 7)
How to Hide
a Mountain

CH 6)
The Engineering
of Away

CH 5)
Land Bodies

CH 4)

CH 3)
Land Body

CH 2)
Surplus Matter Topographies

CH 1)
Past Pleasures
Series I & II

Searching for the Dutch Mountains 

Research project expanding the original investigations into the legacy of landfilling in Europe.

This research focuses on the Dutch NAVOS project that for the first time mapped and investigated stortplaatsen across all provinces in the mid-1990s.

Kindly supported by the Stimuleering Fonds.

THE GEOSPATIAL »OTHER« (Video installation)

Showing a timelapse of 30 min, the video installation shows the geospatial »other« on the periphery.  

Part of the performance piece (How to Hide a Mountain).

»HOW TO HIDE A MOUNTAIN« (Lecture Performance)
Composed of two narrative layers, the audio-visual performance interweaves layers including fieldresearch, audio recordings and photography.

(CH6) THE ENGINEERING OF »AWAY« (Book)             
The book shows a collection of technologies (patents) used in the creation or maintenance of the land body. Screenprinted with waste ashes, the residues of waste incineration technology, the book questions the focus placed on patenting ever more technology that upholds the status quo rather, its site-specific problems rather than zooming out.

GeoVisions: LAND BODIES (Publication)  

The glossary on Land Bodies collects and analyses the language used in the field of waste management. The resulting euphemisms and false interpretations of landscape thus reveal on how language actively contributes to the detachment of the realities of modern landfills & waste.
2023–ongoing 2023


Collecting soil from several landfills across the Netherlands as a means to understand the landscape through its materiality.
More to follow. 2023–ongoing


We may reading the landscape, the landbody (landfill), through its growing vegetation.
More to follow. 2023–ongoing


Mapping open waste dumps across time, such as Kuwait and Ghazipur. The gaze of the satellite traces a shifting and continously terraformed geography.


Documentary photography series, which traces the relationship between objects and their owners, between value and discard on the outskirts of Edinburgh. 

Some of these projects are ongoing, long-term endavours within the area of discard studies and post-natural landscapes, whereas others have been completed.

Get in touch ︎︎︎

Sigrid Schmeisser

From Centre to Periphery

Constructed ever further on the periphery, landfills have become a »geospatial other«–a sacrificed zone–destined to receive the residues of hazardous waste streams, waste incineration and recycling streams, which to this day enables the centre to flourish and thus necessitates the landfills’ existence.

This is an ongoing design & research project that investigates discarding and the role of landfills, as an antiquated disposal method and their entrenchment within contemporary waste management.
Through several chapters including field research, interviews and documentation of various sites across the Netherlands, Switzerland, Belgium and Scotland, the legacy of these post-natural landscapes are dissected.

Recently I published a shorter essay on the research with the Avery Review (edition 69) and with Unruly Natures.